Monday, August 13, 2012

School Time!

 Okay, school is gong to start soon. And there is a lot to do. Most of it (the going back to school) isn't too have to wake up early, have homework, and (sad but true) go to bed EARLY if you want to survive the day without falling asleep. But I love getting back in the hallways and seeing friends! I might've seen them over the summer, but it always feels like some big reunion on the first day of school! And, I love (yup, L-O-V-E) back to school shopping! New supplies, new clothes, and new locker supplies, (I will soon have a whole article about lockers) are so much fun to get! I am excited! And all of the people reading this (who still are in school) should be too! Have a good year of 2012-2013!

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